When calling a public service phone number, we often assume that the person on the other end has the necessary knowledge to address our questions. However, the reality may be quite different as many public service workers are young and inexperienced, lacking the expertise to handle complex issues. This highlights the declining quality of public services, where experience and knowledge are no longer prioritized. Despite this, individuals like the author, who works in a public service dealing with tax issues, continue to provide assistance with a smile, even in the face of rude customers, questioning the value of their low wages. This situation reflects the overall deterioration of public services.

The ongoing fight for gender equality is still questioned by some who argue that we live in a country where equality is already achieved. However, the daily experiences of women facing discrimination in the workplace, feeling unsafe in public spaces, and dealing with various forms of gender-based obstacles, prove otherwise. The struggle for women’s liberation extends beyond national borders, with the potential to improve the lives of women worldwide. Despite calls to move on from feminism, the reality is that the fight for gender equality is far from over and requires ongoing attention and advocacy.

The relationship between EH Bildu, PNV, and the concept of metanationalism is a complex one, with differing perspectives on independence and power dynamics. While some argue that EH Bildu and PNV share a common goal of independence, others believe that their approaches and ideologies diverge in terms of seeking consensus versus confrontation. Drawing parallels to the political landscape in Catalonia, where Esquerra and Junts represent similar dynamics, it is clear that the paths to independence vary based on strategies and priorities, leading to distinct political agendas and alliances.

The evolution of social media has transformed from platforms for communication and connectivity to sources of constant pressure, anxiety, and misinformation. The negative impacts of social media include increased comparison, external validation seeking behavior, and suppression of imperfections, resulting in a relentless pursuit of virtual approval. Recognizing the detrimental effects of social media on mental health and well-being, there is a pressing need for systemic change, including comprehensive digital education in schools and regulatory policies to create a safer and healthier online environment for all users.

In submitting opinions and letters to EL PAÍS, contributors are encouraged to keep their texts concise, within 100 words, including relevant personal information such as name, city, contact details, and identification. By opening up a platform for public discourse and diverse perspectives, EL PAÍS aims to engage with a range of opinions and insights on contemporary issues. The publication reserves the right to publish, summarize, or extract the submitted content, without providing individual feedback or updates on the status of specific contributions. Through this interactive forum, EL PAÍS facilitates dialogue and reflection on pressing social, political, and cultural topics, fostering a community of engaged citizens and informed readers.

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