Vietnam is faced with the challenging task of opposing actions by China that it believes to infringe on its sovereignty, while also maintaining a close relationship with its giant neighbor and major trade partner, built over many years by their respective ruling Communist Parties. The Vietnamese and Chinese coastguards recently conducted their third joint patrol in the northern part of the Gulf of Tonkin in an effort to promote peace and stability in the region. It is crucial for the Southeast Asian bloc ASEAN to play a central role in ensuring freedom of navigation and aviation in the South China Sea.

The ASEAN Secretary-General emphasized the importance of ASEAN members working together and with their partners to uphold the desires of all ASEAN peoples through concrete cooperation and interaction, highlighting the significance of international law in the region. Despite their conflicting claims in the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea, where Vietnam and the Philippines occupy various atolls and reefs, both countries have expressed a willingness to collaborate and address disputes. In a positive development, the coastguards of Vietnam and the Philippines conducted their first-ever joint exercises in Manila, focusing on fire-fighting drills and search-and-rescue exercises.

Vietnam’s relationship with China is complex, as it must navigate between opposing actions by China that threaten its sovereignty and the need to maintain a strategic partnership with its neighboring country. The joint patrols conducted by Vietnamese and Chinese coastguards demonstrate a commitment to promoting peace and stability in the region, with ASEAN playing a crucial role in ensuring freedom of navigation and aviation in the South China Sea. The ASEAN Secretary-General highlighted the importance of concrete cooperation and adherence to international law in resolving disputes in the region.

Vietnam and the Philippines, despite their conflicting claims in the Spratly Islands, have shown a willingness to work together to address disputes and enhance cooperation. The recent joint exercises conducted by their coastguards in Manila are a positive development and demonstrate a commitment to enhancing their maritime capabilities and addressing common challenges. By working together and collaborating with ASEAN partners, Vietnam and the Philippines are striving to maintain peace and stability in the region amidst competing claims and tensions.

In summary, Vietnam’s delicate balancing act between opposing actions by China and maintaining close relations with its giant neighbor has led to joint patrols and exercises with China and the Philippines in an effort to promote peace and stability in the region. ASEAN’s role in ensuring freedom of navigation and aviation in the South China Sea is crucial, with a focus on concrete cooperation and adherence to international law. Despite conflicting claims, Vietnam and the Philippines have shown a willingness to work together and address disputes through joint exercises, signaling a commitment to enhancing cooperation and maintaining peace amidst regional tensions.

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