A TikTok pharmacist named Mohammed Fawaz (@yourmodernpharmacist) has gained popularity for sharing a three-ingredient drink recipe that he claims can help with weight loss and improve bowel movements. The recipe includes cucumber, celery, and a lemon or lime blended together. Fawaz explains that the combination of these ingredients can help detoxify the body, get rid of excess water and waste, and provide antioxidants to support gut health. He suggests starting the day with this drink before eating and drinking it for seven days.
While some medical professionals argue that the concept of detoxifying the body is a myth and that the liver is already equipped to eliminate toxins efficiently, there is still some merit to the claims about the drink’s effectiveness. Cucumbers, one of the key ingredients, are low in calories, high in water content, and fiber, which can aid in weight loss and regulate bowel movements. The fiber in cucumbers, specifically pectin, has been found to alleviate constipation. Additionally, cucumbers contain antioxidants and may help lower blood sugar levels, which can impact hunger and cravings.
Similarly, celery, another ingredient in the drink, is low in calories but high in fiber, making it filling and beneficial for moving waste through the system. It also has potential benefits for cancer prevention, Alzheimer’s disease prevention, and lowering blood pressure. The third ingredient, lime, is rich in flavonoids that have been shown to decrease fat absorption, supporting weight loss goals.
While the liver is responsible for detoxifying the body naturally, incorporating nutrient-dense foods like cucumbers, celery, and lime can support overall health and potentially aid with weight loss. Although there is no scientific evidence to support the idea of needing a cleanse to rid the body of toxins, the blend of these ingredients can have positive effects on bowel movements and weight management. Ultimately, consuming a balanced diet rich in whole foods like fruits and vegetables is the best approach to supporting the body’s natural detoxification processes.