Morgan Geyser, who at age 12 stabbed a classmate to please the fictional online character Slender Man, will remain in a psychiatric hospital after being denied early release by a local judge. Geyser, now 21, has been held at the Winnebago Mental Health Institute in Oshkosh, Wisconsin since 2018. Despite requests for release, Judge Michael Bohren decided that there was still a significant risk that she could harm herself or others, citing the standard under Wisconsin law.

After two days of testimony, including from doctors who believe Geyser is not a threat to the public and should be released, the hospital’s medical director, Dr. Kayla Pope, stated that Geyser has actively participated in therapy and medication management, making her safe to return to the community. Geyser, along with Anissa Weier, lured Payton Leutner to a park in 2014 and Geyser stabbed her multiple times while Weier encouraged her. The girls confessed to the crime, claiming they committed it to appease Slender Man and protect their families.

Geyser pleaded guilty to attempted first-degree intentional homicide due to mental illness and has been diagnosed with schizophrenia spectrum disorder. However, she has been off antipsychotic medication since 2022 with no new symptoms, according to Dr. Ken Robbins, another psychiatrist who believes Geyser is ready to leave the hospital despite still experiencing anxiety and PTSD. Weier, who pleaded guilty to attempted second-degree intentional homicide, was granted release in 2021 to live with her father while wearing a GPS monitor.

Despite her continued insistence on her story, Geyser’s attorney, Tony Cotton, believes she stabbed the victim due to a trauma-related mental disorder, not schizophrenia. Cotton expressed optimism that Geyser will eventually be released to the community, stating that time has shown her to be a healthy and stable individual who is in need of socialization, education, and independence. Geyser can file another petition for release in six months and believes that time will prove she is ready to reintegrate into society.

The case of Morgan Geyser, Anissa Weier, and Payton Leutner shocked the nation in 2014 as it shed light on the dangers of online influences and the susceptibility of young individuals to fictional characters like Slender Man. The girls’ actions were motivated by fear and the belief that they were protecting their families from harm. Despite the severity of the crime, there is hope for rehabilitation and reintegration into society for Geyser, as evidenced by her progress and continued treatment while in the psychiatric hospital. The decision to deny her release reflects a commitment to public safety, but also leaves room for future reconsideration based on her ongoing development and stability.

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