Ian Gotts, the founder and CEO of Elements.cloud, discusses the impact of apps like ChatGPT, which offer accessible and fast returns on investment. These innovative language models are revolutionizing the way tasks are performed, leading to significant productivity gains. Learning how to work with GPT is becoming a crucial skill in the job market, with those who fail to do so limiting their career potential. It is essential for professionals to receive training and hands-on experience in leveraging GPT in their roles to stay competitive.

While the benefits of GPT are evident, convincing decision-makers of its value and worth the investment can be a challenge. A recent survey by Salesforce revealed that only 28% of workers are currently using GPT at work, with 40% of companies banning its use. To overcome these barriers, individuals must take the entrepreneur’s approach and sell the benefits of GPT to executives. By positioning themselves as early adopters and building a solid business case, they can make a compelling argument for the integration of GPT into their organization.

To sell innovative technology like GPT to executives, individuals must follow the IMPACT steps outlined by Geoffrey Moore in his book “Crossing the Chasm.” By starting with an idea, mentoring the concept, securing senior-level sponsorship, running a pilot program, gathering data, and building a business case, individuals can navigate the challenges and hesitations of decision-makers. This approach ensures that the risks associated with GPT, such as security and accuracy concerns, are addressed and mitigated.

Though the process of selling GPT to executives may seem lengthy, there are no shortcuts to gaining support and approval. By taking each step in the process and keeping the scope small and manageable, individuals can quickly progress towards the goal of integrating GPT into their organization. It is crucial to focus on the proof of concept’s tightly scoped objectives, which include providing data to build a business case, rather than showcasing the cool features of GPT. By following these steps and staying focused on the end goal, individuals can successfully introduce GPT into their organization and reap its benefits.

In conclusion, the rise of innovative language models like GPT is transforming the way tasks are performed in the workplace. Learning to leverage GPT is becoming a competitive advantage in the job market, and professionals must ensure they receive training and hands-on experience to stay ahead. By following the steps outlined by Geoffrey Moore and building a strong business case, individuals can successfully sell the benefits of GPT to executives and secure approval for its integration into their organization. With proper planning and strategic implementation, organizations can harness the power of GPT to drive productivity and innovation in their workflows.

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