The author initially believed that the recent letter from Pedro Sánchez could have been a final point, as it seemed to leave no room for escape. However, after receiving support from the public, Sánchez has decided to continue. Some may view this as a plebiscitary element in a confusing process, which could be a weak point for the government. The letter aimed to spark a debate on democracy, but there were better ways to do so without risking further criticism. It remains unclear whether there will truly be a fresh start, as Sánchez has not provided concrete details.

The origin of the letter was a decision by conservative judge Juan Carlos Peinado to open an investigation based on a complaint against Begoña Gómez. The complaint came from the ultraright-wing group Manos Limpias, known for politically motivated lawsuits. This highlights the dysfunction in Spanish politics, with a combination of fake news, ultraright groups, and conservative judges working together to undermine a left-wing government. This strategy, referred to as lawfare, does not require a conspiracy but rather a convergence of interests aiming to destabilize the government.

The left-wing has not always acted perfectly, but the real issue lies in the media-judicial collusion that threatens democracy and distorts the will expressed at the ballot box. Left-wing parties have not resorted to these tactics while in opposition, perhaps due to lack of support from media or judicial sectors. The victims of these operations have primarily been Catalan separatists and left-wing figures, such as Sánchez who faced a smear campaign in 2014. The PSOE must take action to address this problem, protect itself, and initiate a debate on the issue.

Regulating institutional advertising, enhancing transparency in media ownership, and establishing audiovisual councils to curb harmful journalistic practices are necessary steps to address the issue. The lack of renewal in the General Council of the Judiciary, along with the ideological bias in the Spanish judicial system, also need to be addressed. The judiciary’s politicization undermines its impartiality and credibility, necessitating a review of judge selection and training processes.

Addressing these issues will not be easy, especially with a buoyed right-wing opposition ready to criticize any attempts to balance the system and strengthen democracy. However, if the government does not take action seriously, it will continue to face challenges. Without a fresh start, ending with a final point may be preferable to a continuation of the current situation. Effective and decisive measures are needed to uphold democratic values and restore confidence in the system.

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