The city where the air temperature is 34 degrees and the sea water temperature is 30 degrees saw a humidity level of 72%. Residents and both local and foreign tourists gathered at Konyaaltı, Lara, and Sarısu beaches to escape the heat. Some tried to cool off by taking a dip in the sea, while others preferred to relax on sunbeds or on the beach.

As the heatwave continued, many people sought shade under the palm trees in parks along the coastline. The high humidity made it difficult for both locals and tourists to stay outdoors for long periods of time. Despite the hot weather, the beaches remained crowded with people trying to make the most of their summer holiday.

Local authorities advised residents and tourists to stay hydrated and avoid prolonged exposure to the sun during the peak hours of the day. Emergency services were on high alert to respond to any incidents related to the heatwave. The extreme weather conditions made it challenging for many to enjoy outdoor activities.

Despite the scorching temperatures, many visitors to the city were determined to enjoy their holiday. Tourists from different parts of the world were seen exploring the city’s historical sites and enjoying the local cuisine. The hospitality industry was working hard to ensure that guests stayed comfortable and cool during their stay.

As the sun set over the horizon, the temperature began to drop slightly, providing some relief to the residents and tourists. The evening breeze brought a sense of calm to the city, and many people took this opportunity to go for a leisurely stroll along the beach. The cool evening air provided a much-needed reprieve from the heat of the day.

Overall, despite the challenging weather conditions, the residents and tourists in the city were making the most of their time in this popular coastal destination. With a combination of beach activities, sightseeing, and delicious food, everyone was finding their own way to enjoy their summer holiday. The city continued to attract visitors with its beautiful coastline and vibrant atmosphere, making it a top choice for those looking for a memorable vacation experience.

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