People are expressing feelings of being completely deceived and frustrated by the current state of federal politics in Germany. There is a growing sense of anger and betrayal among the populace as they feel disconnected from the decisions being made at the highest levels of government.

The lack of transparency and accountability in federal politics has left many feeling disillusioned and powerless. Recent events and decisions by political leaders have only served to exacerbate this sentiment, with many feeling that their voices are not being heard or considered.

Citizens are growing increasingly frustrated with the disconnect between the actions of politicians and the needs of the people. This sentiment is further fueled by a perception of elitism and self-interest among those in power, leading to a deep-seated distrust of the political establishment.

The feeling of being manipulated or deceived by those in power has led to a wave of discontent and frustration among the general population. Many feel that their concerns and grievances are being ignored or dismissed by those in positions of authority, further deepening the divide between the government and the governed.

The sense of betrayal and alienation felt by many in Germany is symptomatic of a wider trend of disenchantment with mainstream politics and a growing desire for change. As trust in traditional political institutions continues to erode, there is a growing call for accountability, transparency, and genuine representation in government.

In order to address this growing sense of frustration and disillusionment, it is clear that significant changes are needed within the federal political system in Germany. Only by listening to the concerns and needs of the people, and by working towards building a more inclusive and responsive government, can trust be restored and the gap between politicians and the populace be bridged.

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