The AskReddit community was recently asked to share their scary “trust your gut” moments by redditor u/TheRealGreedyGoat. One story involved a grandfather who, after having a feeling of impending danger, decided to wear his seatbelt and narrowly avoided a serious car accident. Another person shared an experience of sitting in their car before leaving for an appointment and witnessing a crash that happened just minutes later. A teen who had a gut feeling moved to the back of a trailer before it flipped over, saving themselves from harm. Another redditor had a nauseating feeling while driving and waited a few seconds before driving through a green light, avoiding a collision with two pickup trucks.

Another redditor recounted a chilling experience where they believed they were being followed while driving home. The car followed them around a loop several times before finally driving off, leaving them feeling creeped out for the rest of the night. In another story, a woman’s gut feeling made her decline an offer from a serial killer to go out to dinner, ultimately saving her life. A dream warning about being sick led a person to seek medical attention and discover high-risk cervical lesions that required surgery. The story of a pregnant woman who followed her gut instinct to induce labor due to Lyme disease damage to the placenta resulted in the prevention of harm to her son.

A chilling story involved a man who refused to participate in a youth club event due to a feeling about the leader, who later went on to commit a horrifying crime. Another redditor mentioned feeling uneasy at a house party and leaving just before a shooting incident occurred. One person’s gut feeling led them to study the Heimlich maneuver, which later proved crucial in helping a loved one dislodge a stuck pill. Sometimes, even seemingly mundane decisions like declining to go on a thrill ride at a fair can turn out to be life-saving, as evidenced by a person’s decision to avoid a ride that tragically killed a young child.

Another story recounted a day when a person felt an unexplained urge to study the Heimlich maneuver, which came in handy when their cousin’s girlfriend choked on an Advil. A pregnant woman’s feelings of unease on Black Friday led to her avoiding a dangerous situation at a mall. In a harrowing tale, a person’s gut feeling made them decline an invitation to go furniture shopping with a friend, ultimately avoiding a catastrophic explosion that injured their friends. Lastly, one person’s gut feeling about pain in their lower back led them to seek medical attention, resulting in the early detection and successful treatment of cancer.

These stories emphasize the importance of trusting one’s instincts and listening to that inner voice that warns of impending danger. In each case, following a gut feeling led to positive outcomes and potentially saved lives. The experiences shared serve as a reminder to pay attention to those feelings of unease or danger, as they may hold valuable insights that could prevent harm in the future.

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