The r/AskReddit community shared their experiences of witnessing bizarre events that they swear happened but have no proof of. One individual recounted the story of their German shepherd who, sensing his impending death, ran away to die alone in the forest. Another saw a deer and a rabbit engage in a mysterious interaction before running off together. A driver encountered a man in a suit on a deserted road who disappeared without a trace, leading them to believe they saw a ghost. A railroad worker witnessed a massive creature leaping across the track, a sight confirmed by a colleague who had seen the same creature weeks earlier.

In other accounts, a newspaper delivery person was followed by a large drone in the early morning hours, while another individual saw a modified stealth helicopter similar to those used in the Bin Laden raid. A jogger said they encountered an old lady praying beside them who disappeared and reappeared mysteriously. A person was stalked by a mountain lion as a child, though they now question if the experience was real. Another experienced inexplicable fog in Kansas for hours, describing a terrifying and isolated journey with no signs of life around them.

One redditor witnessed a meteor falling from the sky, only for their mother to not see it, leading to confusion. Another recalled seeing a lady in white on the side of a road in rural New Jersey, who vanished when they looked back. Some shared encounters with creatures like a glowing bioluminescent creature and green glowing dots that moved mysteriously. Multiple accounts described ghostly occurrences, such as a figure sitting in a chair that turned out to be an apparition, and a dead ex-husband poking someone in the ribs.

These experiences, ranging from encounters with animals, unknown creatures, UFOs, and ghosts, left a lasting impression on those who witnessed them. Despite the lack of concrete proof, these individuals are convinced of the reality of what they saw. Some events were shared with others, only to face skepticism and disbelief. The stories highlight the inexplicable and sometimes eerie aspects of life that defy explanation and challenge our understanding of reality. Each account serves as a reminder that there may be more to the world around us than meets the eye.

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