Some individuals on Quora shared their thoughts on the decision to have or not have children, and whether they regret their choice. One person expressed feelings of hopelessness and exhaustion as a single mother, contemplating giving her child up for adoption due to the overwhelming responsibilities of raising him alone. Another person adamantly declared that choosing not to have children was the best decision of their life, citing a lack of desire for parenthood and a focus on personal growth and charitable efforts.

Conversely, a woman who previously did not want children found unexpected love for her son after a difficult birth experience, describing how he changed her for the better. Another individual reflected on their fulfilling life without children, highlighting the opportunities and personal growth that were made possible by not having offspring. Some individuals shared regrets about not having children later in life, realizing that they missed the opportunity for motherhood or may face a future of loneliness without descendants to carry on their legacy.

Others shared experiences of accepting not having children, citing challenges such as health complications, past traumas, or career-focused priorities as reasons for their decision. A woman shared her regret at initially not wanting children but ultimately finding joy in motherhood after her husband’s change of heart. Another individual recounted their deliberate choice to not have children based on their personality, experiences, and concerns about passing on negative traits or emotions.

One person candidly shared their conflicted feelings surrounding an unplanned pregnancy, initially wishing for a miscarriage but later developing a strong bond with their daughter. Despite initial reservations and fears about raising a child as a young single mother, the individual expressed gratitude for their daughter’s presence in their life and the transformative power of motherhood. Each story illustrates the complex and deeply personal decisions individuals make about parenthood and the varied emotions and experiences that accompany those choices.

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