Kamala Harris is facing skepticism from college students in Pittsburgh as she campaigns for the presidency. Despite her message of moving forward, many young voters are not convinced, with concerns about her shifting positions to the center. Harris, who was previously critical of Donald Trump’s border wall, is now pledging to continue building it if elected. This shift has led to doubts among progressive voters, who feel isolated in an increasingly conservative world.

While Gen Z voters tend to be more liberal, many do not align with either major political party. Harris’ campaign has attempted to appeal to younger voters through memes and celebrity endorsements, but polls indicate she may not have the same level of support among young voters as President Biden did in 2020. The campaign’s shift towards more centrist policies, including on healthcare and immigration, has left some students feeling disillusioned with Harris as a candidate.

Some students criticize Harris for distancing herself from her progressive roots, such as her previous support for Medicare for All and fracking bans. They feel she is presenting herself as a beacon of hope for minorities while not following through on promises of change. Concerns over her record as California’s attorney general, including sending people to prison for marijuana offenses, have also contributed to skepticism among progressive voters.

Despite their reservations, some students at the University of Pittsburgh see Harris as the more favorable option compared to the alternative. While they may not agree with all of her policies, they believe she is the lesser of two evils. Young voters in the 18 to 24-year-old cohort trend more Democratic than any other age group, and many are willing to overlook their concerns to support Harris in the upcoming election. Issues such as immigration, abortion rights, and economic policies play a role in their decision-making process.

While some students remain critical of Harris, others are more enthusiastic about voting for her. One student, Luke, expressed hope in Harris’s promise to continue aggressive antitrust actions and break up the grocery industry to create local competition. Despite disagreements on certain issues, he is supportive of Harris’s campaign and sees her as a better option than the opposition. The evolution of Harris’s outreach to young voters from memes to issue-based discussions has resonated with some students, though they still have areas of disagreement.

Overall, while there is skepticism and division among young voters regarding Kamala Harris’s candidacy, many are willing to support her as the better choice for the presidency. Despite concerns about her shifting positions and moderate policies, some students view Harris as a more favorable option compared to the alternatives. As the election approaches, Harris continues to navigate these challenges and attempt to appeal to a diverse range of voters, especially young progressives who may hold key influence in swing states like Pennsylvania.

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