Former Vice President Mike Pence criticized his former running mate, former President Trump, for not supporting a federal ban on abortion, calling it a “retreat on the Right to Life” and a “slap in the face to the millions of pro-life Americans.” Trump, however, has emphasized his support for states determining their own laws on abortion, as long as there are exceptions for rape, incest, and the life of the mother. Pence, who championed evangelical voters, had pushed for a federal abortion ban during his run for the Republican presidential nomination last year.

In response to Trump’s announcement on abortion, Pence argued that the former president’s retreat on the Right to Life undermines the efforts of pro-life Americans who supported him in the 2016 and 2020 elections. He highlighted the role of the Trump-Pence Administration in appointing conservative justices to the Supreme Court, which led to the overturning of the landmark Roe v. Wade ruling. Pence expressed concern that too many Republican politicians are distancing themselves from the pro-life movement, but he remained steadfast in his commitment to advocating for the sanctity of life in American law.

Other high-profile Republicans, including a leading anti-abortion group, also criticized Trump’s announcement on abortion. Majorie Dannenfelser of the Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life group expressed disappointment with Trump’s position, stating that by ceding the issue back to the states, it gives Democrats an advantage in pushing for widespread abortion access. The Supreme Court ruling that shifted the abortion debate back to the states has put Republicans on the defensive, as they must navigate an electorate where a majority of Americans support some form of abortion access.

Despite claiming to be the “most pro-life president in American history” and taking credit for appointing Supreme Court justices who overturned Roe v. Wade, Trump has faced criticism from fellow Republicans for his stance on abortion. While Trump has tried to navigate a middle ground on the issue, he has faced backlash from some within his party, including Pence, who accused him of backing away from the anti-abortion cause. As Democrats focus on the issue of abortion in elections, Republicans must grapple with the complexities of a divided electorate and varying views on the topic.

On the campaign trail, Pence has been vocal about his pro-life stance and has rejected the notion that advocating for the sanctity of life is a political liability. He has criticized Trump for not fully supporting anti-abortion measures, such as Florida’s six-week abortion ban, and has emphasized the importance of upholding the pro-life movement. Despite the tensions within the Republican party over the issue of abortion, both Pence and Trump continue to play key roles in shaping the debate and influencing the party’s stance on the issue as the 2024 election approaches.

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