Paul Manafort, the Republican strategist who served as chairman of Donald J. Trump’s 2016 campaign, has begun advising efforts for the upcoming Republican National Convention. Manafort, a longtime lobbyist with experience working with foreign governments and past Republican conventions, was present for meetings in Milwaukee, where the July convention will take place. While his involvement was expected, it has already generated controversy.

At 75 years old, Manafort has a long history in Republican politics, having advised Bob Dole’s presidential campaign in 1996 and managed the Republican convention that year. He joined Trump’s campaign in 2016 to help secure the delegates needed for Trump to become the nominee at the convention. However, Manafort’s tenure with Trump was short-lived, as he was ousted in August 2016 due to headlines about his work for a pro-Russian political party in Ukraine. He later became ensnared in the investigation by Robert Mueller into ties between the Trump campaign and Russian officials.

Manafort was one of the few Trump advisers sentenced to prison, but he was pardoned by Trump at the end of his presidency for not cooperating with the government investigation. Recent reports indicate that Manafort has re-engaged with work for foreign interests and political figures, including a Chinese entertainment streaming service, although he denied working for the service directly. His precise role at the upcoming convention remains unclear, but he is expected to advise the staffing structure of the platform committee without being directly involved in the platform itself.

The platform debate at this year’s convention will be significant, as the Republican Party did not adopt a new platform in 2020 due to changes related to the coronavirus pandemic. Instead, they reverted to the 2016 platform. During the 2016 convention, controversial language was inserted into the platform weakening support for Ukraine with military aid against Russian incursions, a change that was of interest to Mueller during his investigation. Manafort’s involvement in advising the staffing structure of the platform committee could raise concerns given his past work with foreign governments.

Overall, Manafort’s involvement in the upcoming Republican National Convention adds another layer of controversy to the event. As a former Trump campaign chairman who went to prison and was pardoned, his role in advising the staffing structure of the platform committee raises questions about his influence and connections. The platform debate will be closely watched this year given the party’s decision not to adopt a new platform in 2020 and the previous controversy surrounding support for Ukraine. Manafort’s past work and involvement with foreign interests further complicates his role in the convention, as critics raise concerns about potential conflicts of interest and influence on party policy.

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