Patrick Swayze’s former wife, Lisa Niemi Swayze, faced backlash from fans of the late actor after she remarried in 2014 following his death from pancreatic cancer in 2009. She revealed on the “Amy and T.J. Podcast” that she received criticism from some of Patrick’s fans who were unhappy with her decision to move on. Despite the negative remarks, Lisa has learned to deal with the criticism and move forward, emphasizing that just because she lost her husband does not mean she stopped loving him.

Lisa and Patrick were married for 34 years after first meeting at his mother’s ballet school in Houston, Texas when they were teenagers. Following Patrick’s passing, Lisa met her current husband, Albert DePrisco, through mutual friends who set them up. Lisa admitted that initially, she was taken aback when Albert proposed, as she had not anticipated getting remarried. However, a dream about Patrick reassured her that she could still love him while also entering into a new relationship. She felt like Patrick was giving his blessing for her to move forward.

In reflecting on her current marriage, Lisa emphasized that her love for Patrick has not diminished in any way. She explained that she still feels Patrick’s presence with her every day, despite his physical absence. Lisa expressed that falling in love with Albert did not affect her love for Patrick, and she believes that she and Albert are fortunate to have found someone to continue giving their love to. She believes that just because someone loses a loved one does not mean they stop loving, and there is still love to give to others.

Lisa admitted that she was tempted many times to respond to the criticism she received for remarrying after Patrick’s death, as some of his fans viewed her actions as disrespectful to his memory. However, she chose to focus on her own journey and the love she shared with both Patrick and Albert. She believes that everyone has their own path to follow after losing a loved one, and she decided to follow hers. Lisa also shared that her marriage to Albert was meant to be, as they had known each other for many years and had mutual friends who supported their relationship.

Despite the challenges she faced from Patrick’s fans, Lisa remains grateful for the love and support she has received from Albert and her friends. She believes that she and Albert were meant to find each other and continue their journey together. Lisa’s story serves as a reminder that love is not limited to one person and that it is possible to honor the memory of a lost loved one while also moving forward in a new relationship. Ultimately, Lisa’s experience highlights the importance of following one’s heart and finding happiness after loss.

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