A baking influencer, Maria Baradell, faced backlash after making bread for her sister while on a long-haul flight to Spain. Baradell, who is known for sharing baking tips on Instagram under the handle @leafandloafco, decided to surprise her sister with a fresh loaf of sourdough by making it from scratch while flying. She was seen mixing water, flour, and salt on her tray table, kneading the dough, and letting it ferment while she slept during the flight. Baradell did not bake the bread on board but instead waited to bake it once she reached Spain.

Viewers criticized Baradell’s in-flight baking video, calling it half-baked and inappropriate for a plane setting. Concerns were raised about the safety of passengers with gluten allergies as well as the potential unsanitary nature of preparing food in an airplane environment. Some commenters felt that the stunt was done solely for social media attention and questioned the consideration shown for other passengers. A crew member mentioned experiencing unsanitary incidents on planes, such as passengers clipping toenails or changing diapers on tray tables, and warned about potential contamination of the bread created on board.

Responding to the backlash, Baradell posted a follow-up video where she addressed the criticism, acknowledging that the #milehighsourdoughclub wouldn’t be a thing. She expressed gratitude for the feedback and stated that she had good intentions, despite the negative responses. Baradell mentioned that she was inspired by another creator making pasta in-flight but came to realize that doing the same with bread might not have been a great idea. She appreciated those who shared their concerns in a kind manner while also acknowledging that it was alright for others to criticize her actions.

Baradell’s in-flight baking escapade is not the first time a food influencer has come under fire for unconventional cooking practices while traveling. In a separate incident in December, another influencer caused controversy by cooking garlic shrimp in an airplane lavatory. The trend of cooking food in unconventional locations for social media content has been met with mixed reactions and concerns about safety and hygiene. While some creators may seek to showcase their creativity in unusual settings, such actions can often lead to backlash and negative feedback from viewers and critics alike.

The controversy surrounding Baradell’s in-flight baking raises questions about the limits of creating content for social media and the considerations that influencers should keep in mind when sharing their activities with a large audience. While pushing boundaries and thinking outside the box can lead to engaging and unique content, it is essential to prioritize safety, hygiene, and respect for others when creating content in public or shared spaces. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of thinking through the implications of one’s actions before enacting them and being open to feedback and criticism from viewers in order to learn and grow as a content creator.

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