The government is facing a special session in Congress on Wednesday, with the housing crisis as the main topic, amidst pressure from various political and judicial fronts. Almost all of its progressive allies are demanding urgent and concrete measures to address the housing crisis, focusing on the intervention of public authorities in the market. The Socialist Party (PSOE) claims to take these warnings seriously and emphasizes its commitment to making this legislative term about the right to housing. However, the party also stresses the need for collaboration with all levels of government and the private sector to address historical housing deficiencies.

The special session in Congress was requested by several progressive parties including ERC, EH Bildu, Podemos, and the BNG, in response to the growing public discontent regarding the housing crisis. The Minister of Housing and Urban Agenda, Isabel Rodríguez, will be called to explain the government’s lack of action and measures to ensure access to affordable housing. This comes at a critical juncture in the legislative term, with housing concerns rising to the top of public priorities. The coalition partner Sumar has warned that the resolution of the housing crisis will be a defining moment for the government, with a focus on intervention in the market to address rising rental prices.

Podemos has signaled a potential rift with the government by setting conditions for their support in future budget negotiations, particularly related to housing. They are demanding a 40% reduction in rental prices in municipalities with over 200,000 inhabitants and strict regulations on the use of residential properties. These demands reflect a shift towards interventionist policies to address the housing crisis. Similarly, ERC has introduced legislation to regulate temporary rentals, aiming to fill gaps in existing housing laws and respond to public concerns. The focus on housing by these parties highlights the importance of addressing this issue in the current political landscape.

In anticipation of the upcoming debate in Congress, the PSOE has emphasized the government’s efforts to address housing issues, citing increased investment and the promise of thousands of new rental housing units. They have also highlighted the importance of collaboration between different levels of government and private stakeholders to effectively tackle the housing crisis. While acknowledging the need for intervention in the market, the PSOE has cautioned against demonizing all property owners, emphasizing the role of small landlords in the rental market.

The debate in Congress on Wednesday will be a crucial moment for the government, with pressure from both its progressive allies and the opposition to address the housing crisis. The Minister of Housing, Isabel Rodríguez, will need to present concrete solutions to the housing crisis to secure support from within the coalition and avoid potential fractures in the government. The outcome of this debate may have significant implications for the future of the legislative term and the stability of the government. It remains to be seen how the government will navigate the challenges posed by the housing crisis and respond to the demands of various political forces.

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