Paris Hilton celebrated Easter with her 1-year-old son, Phoenix, sharing a series of glamorous photos on social media. In the photos, Hilton wore a bright pink Rebecca Vallance dress with matching Valentino shoes and accessories while posing with her son. The pair were surrounded by plush bunnies and Easter decorations, including cutouts of baby chicks and Easter eggs. Despite the festive atmosphere, Hilton’s daughter London, who was born in late 2023, was not featured in any of the photos shared over the weekend.

Hilton shared a sneak peek of the Easter photo shoot on Saturday, which included a video of Phoenix sitting on her husband Carter Reum’s lap, both laughing together. Hilton mentioned that Phoenix inherited the same laugh from her. The couple got married in November 2021 and welcomed Phoenix via surrogate in January 2023. They also secretly welcomed daughter London in late 2023, but have yet to share any photos of her. Reum mentioned that London looks just like her mother but they are not ready to share her with the world yet.

In November, Hilton revealed that she had kept London’s birth a secret from everyone, including her family. The news was finally revealed on Thanksgiving when she brought the baby to dinner with her family. Hilton expressed her happiness and gratitude for her family, saying that motherhood has made her feel complete and at peace. Although Hilton has not shared any photos of London yet, fans have commented on her Easter photos, praising her as the best mother and mentioning their excitement to see London on social media.

Hilton’s Easter photos showed her and Phoenix posing in matching outfits, with Phoenix dressed in a bear hat and pajama set. Hilton’s Barbie-esque outfit and the Easter decorations throughout the house added to the festive atmosphere. Despite the glamorous setting, Hilton’s focus was on spending quality time with her son and creating lasting memories. The pair appeared joyful and happy in the photos, showcasing the strong bond between mother and son. Hilton’s commitment to her family and her role as a mother was evident in the photos and her captions reflecting her love for her children.

Overall, Paris Hilton’s Easter celebration with her son, Phoenix, was a glamorous and heartfelt affair, filled with love and joy. Hilton’s dedication to her family and the special moments they share together was evident in the photos she posted on social media. Despite the challenges of keeping her daughter London’s birth a secret and protecting her privacy, Hilton remains devoted to her role as a mother and cherishes the time she spends with her children. The Easter photos captured the essence of Hilton’s Easter celebrations, highlighting the love and happiness that she shares with her family.

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