Prosecutors in Michigan are recommending at least 10 years in prison for Jennifer and James Crumbley, the parents of school shooter Ethan Crumbley, who were convicted of involuntary manslaughter for their role in the 2021 shooting at Oxford High School. The prosecutors cited a “chilling lack of remorse” from Jennifer Crumbley and James Crumbley’s failure to take basic precautions that could have prevented the tragedy. The maximum prison sentence for their crime is 15 years, but the minimum sentence set by the judge will be crucial as it will determine when they are eligible for parole consideration.

Jennifer Crumbley is hoping to avoid prison and instead be fitted with an electronic tether and live with her attorney. James Crumbley is also hoping to be released, a proposal that prosecutors argue is a “slap in the face to the severity of tragedy caused by defendant’s gross negligence.” On the day of the shooting, the Crumbleys had gone to the school to discuss their son’s morbid drawing and phrases indicating distress, but instead of taking him home, they left with a list of contacts for mental health services and returned to work. Hours later, Ethan opened fire in the school with a handgun that James had purchased just days earlier.

Ethan Crumbley, now 17, is serving life in prison with no chance for parole after pleading guilty to murder and terrorism. During James Crumbley’s trial, the judge barred his use of a phone and tablet in jail due to threats he had made, including profanity-laced messages aimed at the county prosecutor. The details of the threats were not publicly disclosed at the time. School staff had not demanded Ethan’s removal from school, but they were unaware that James had recently purchased the gun that resembled the one in Ethan’s drawing.

The Crumbleys were convicted of involuntary manslaughter at separate trials earlier this year, with prosecutors emphasizing their failure to secure the gun at home and address their son’s mental health needs. Despite not being accused of knowing their son’s plan, their negligence in preventing the tragedy led to the deaths of four students at Oxford High School. The upcoming sentencing hearing will determine the length of their prison stay and when they may be eligible for parole consideration. Messages seeking comment from defense lawyers were not immediately returned by the Crumbleys’ legal representatives on Wednesday.

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