The parents of Israeli-Americans being held hostage by Hamas are urging President Biden to take action against Iran, as they believe time is running out to save their children. Orna and Ronen Neutra, parents of Omer who recently celebrated his second birthday in captivity, feel that America’s current diplomatic efforts are not working and that President Biden’s legacy will be defined by what happens to the seven Americans still trapped in Gaza. Ronen expressed frustration at the lack of results from the administration’s promises to help for over a year, calling for a more hands-on approach and for Biden to challenge Iran, which sponsors both Hamas and Hezbollah.

Ruby Chen, another parent whose son’s body is still being held in Gaza, found it outrageous that the US did not become more proactive after American Hersh Goldberg-Polin and five other hostages were murdered in August. Chen hoped that these deaths would push Biden to take direct action in Gaza to save the hostage and bring his son, Itai, 19, home. Adi Alexander also urged Biden to act before Election Day to secure the freedom of his son, Edan, 20, suggesting that the president should deal directly with Iran instead of Hamas to improve the chances of securing a successful negotiation.

However, Qatari officials involved in cease-fire negotiations have stated that any progress in freeing the hostages may not occur until after the election. One official claimed that Biden lost leverage when he announced he wouldn’t seek re-election in July, leading both Israel and Hamas to want to wait to deal with his successor. US officials are reportedly preparing for the possibility that the hostages will remain in Gaza even after Biden steps down in January. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is considering a post-war plan for Gaza developed by Israel and the United Arab Emirates that pushes out the Palestinian Authority, potentially impacting Biden’s legacy as he exits the conflict.

The Neutras, Chen, and Alexander all feel that the current approach to freeing the hostages is not effective and are calling on President Biden to take more direct action. They believe that pressuring Iran, which sponsors Hamas and Hezbollah, could be a more successful strategy. However, Qatari officials involved in the cease-fire negotiations have indicated that progress may be delayed until after the election, as Israel and Hamas may prefer to deal with Biden’s successor. Amidst these challenges, US officials are reportedly preparing for the possibility that the hostages will remain in Gaza even after Biden steps down in January, with plans for a post-war strategy that may impact his legacy as he exits the conflict.

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