Sitting for an exam to gain entry into a selective school or a scholarship for a private school can be a costly endeavor for many families. The cost of these exams can vary, with most families paying around $170 for the exam fee and $390 for remote exams. These exams are a gateway to prestigious schools such as Mac.Robertson Girls’ High School, Melbourne High School, and other selective government schools. For those who miss out on these coveted spots, entry into government secondary schools offering accelerated learning programs through Victoria’s Academy of Accredited SEAL Schools is another option, provided they live in the right catchment area. SEAL stands for select entry accelerated learning, and there are 26 metropolitan and 14 regional government secondary schools participating in this program.

Public school parents are encouraged to purchase practice exam packages for up to $60 from online test providers to help prepare their children for these competitive exams. Some schools, such as Lilydale High School and Albert Park College, set different fees for their exams. Brunswick Secondary College, however, has decided to stop enrolling students in its SEAL program after a review found that separating high-ability students from their peers was no longer necessary to support their learning. The concept of segregating high achievers from other students has been criticized by researchers as being one of the main factors contributing to the overall declining performance of schools.

Non-government schools also have their own rigorous selection processes for admitting gifted students, with many schools filtering out the most talented students through lengthy application processes. For example, students in grade three, five, and eight can compete for an academic scholarship at Haileybury by undergoing supervised online tests, in-person tests, and interviews with the head of campus. Some families also opt for tutoring services to prepare their children for these selective school exams, with prices for coaching services ranging up to $6100. Scholarship exams for private schools are designed to predict a child’s future achievement rather than measuring what has already been taught in the classroom.

Top-performing non-government schools, such as Ballarat Clarendon College and Carey Baptist Grammar, offer scholarships for students who excel in academics, visual and performing arts, community service, and other areas. These scholarships usually provide a 50% reduction in tuition fees, with some offering 25% or less. Ballarat Clarendon College has seen an increase in demand for scholarships over the past decade, with the school providing opportunities to students who may not otherwise have access to a quality education. Geelong Grammar, on the other hand, reported that close to 25% of its students were on some type of scholarship in 2022, with the school providing $1.5 million towards scholarships that year.

Tutoring for selective-entry exam preparation typically starts around grade four or five, with students receiving around three hours of tutoring per week, in addition to study at home. This tutoring is particularly popular among time-poor parents and those who speak English as a second language. Michael Black, CEO of Success Tutoring, noted that the competition for selective school entry exams is increasing each year, making tutoring services more sought after. Overall, gaining entry into a selective school or earning a scholarship for a private school is a competitive and costly process that requires careful preparation and dedication from both students and their families.

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