Ursula Juarez, 30, and Jose Cuatro, 32, pleaded no contest to murdering and torturing their 4-year-old son, Noah, just a month shy of his fifth birthday. The boy died in July 2019, and both parents are facing prison sentences – Cuatro 32 years to life and Juarez 22 years to life. The sentencing is set for April 30, with their right to appeal waived. The case came to light after the parents called 911, claiming Noah had stopped breathing after swimming, but paramedics found inconsistencies in their story, leading to suspicion of foul play.

Noah’s body showed signs of strangulation and had bruises across his chest, arms, and legs when he was discovered unconscious in the family’s apartment. He later died at the hospital from suffocation, with various injuries and trauma found on his body. The parents were indicted on charges of murder and torture, but additional charges of assault and sexual penetration of a child were dismissed as part of the plea deal. The case sparked renewed scrutiny of the Los Angeles County’s Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS).

From birth, Noah was under DCFS watch after being removed from his parents for suspected abuse against his mother’s half-sister. He cycled through foster homes until his great-grandmother, Eva Hernandez, took him in. During this time, Noah’s parents developed resentment towards DCFS, claiming the agency had deprived them of bonding time with their son. Despite concerns about Noah’s well-being, a judge ruled that he be returned to his parents, with his health deteriorating soon after.

Following multiple allegations of mistreatment and signs of abuse, DCFS was alerted to Noah’s situation, but the social worker tasked with his case was blocked from removing him from his parents. There were accusations of bias and agenda against the social worker, leading to her replacement by someone seemingly more sympathetic to the parents. This change in direction further exacerbated Noah’s situation, ultimately leading to his death in July 2019.

After Noah’s tragic death, Eva Hernandez was granted custody of his surviving siblings and is in the process of legally adopting them. She has also filed a lawsuit against LA County and DCFS, alleging negligence in preventing Noah’s death and properly investigating and halting the abuse by his parents. The case highlighted the challenges and failures within the child welfare system, as well as the tragic consequences of systemic deficiencies.

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