The war in Gaza hits close to home for many Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, who have experienced displacement and destruction themselves. Tens of thousands of refugees have fled as Israel has launched an offensive against Hezbollah in Lebanon, causing fear and anxiety among the population. Residents of the refugee camps, who have already witnessed the horrors of war in Gaza, now find themselves fleeing their homes just like those they saw on their screens. Manal Sharari and Mariam Moussa are just two of the many refugees who have been forced to evacuate their homes in the face of escalating violence.

Israeli officials claim that the ground offensive in Lebanon is aimed at pushing Hezbollah back from the border and allowing residents of northern Israel to return to their homes. The conflict escalated after Hamas launched an incursion into southern Israel, prompting Israeli airstrikes and shelling. As a result, more than 1 million people in Lebanon have been displaced, including a growing number of Palestinian refugees. UNRWA’s director in Lebanon, Dorothee Klaus, reports that around 20,000 Palestinian refugees have been displaced from camps in the south, and the number is expected to increase.

As the conflict intensifies, refugees like Abbas Ferdoun find themselves making do in makeshift shelters, setting up makeshift stores to survive. With fears of U.N. centers housing displaced people being targeted by strikes in Gaza, there is a looming concern that similar attacks could occur in Lebanon. Hicham Kayed, a local NGO representative, expresses concerns about the weak international response to such attacks and fears that similar incidents could unfold in Lebanon. Despite feeling safe for now, many refugees like Manal Sharari are anxious about the fate of loved ones who stayed behind and worry about whether they will have a home to return to.

The situation in Lebanon is compounded by the ongoing crisis in Gaza, with residents like Sharari closely following the news of both conflicts. The relentless cycle of violence and displacement has left many feeling trapped and uncertain about their future. With more shelters being opened to accommodate the growing number of displaced people, the need for humanitarian aid and support is becoming increasingly urgent. As the world watches in horror, the plight of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon serves as a stark reminder of the toll of war on innocent civilians caught in the crossfire. The international community must step up to provide assistance and protection to those most vulnerable in times of conflict.

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