Pakistani counterterrorism police have arrested at least 12 suspects in connection with the suicide bombing that killed five Chinese workers and their Pakistani driver in the northwest. While the arrested individuals were not directly involved in the attack, they helped orchestrate the bombing targeting the Chinese. Some of the suspects have links with Pakistani militants and are currently being questioned, with ongoing raids taking place. The bombing took place in Shangla district, where a suicide bomber rammed an explosive-laden car into another vehicle, resulting in the deaths of the Chinese workers.

The bodies of the five Chinese nationals killed in the attack were flown from Rawalpindi to Beijing, with Chinese Ambassador Jiang Zaidong present at the airbase to receive them. Pakistani officials and state media reported that the bodies were accompanied by a Pakistani Cabinet minister. The victims were traveling to the Dasu Dam hydropower project, where they were employed, when they were attacked. Chinese Ambassador expressed condolences to the families of the victims, highlighting the close ties between Pakistan and China.

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif visited the Dasu Dam site to meet with Chinese employees and assure them of security measures. Sharif condemned the attack and vowed to ensure that those responsible face exemplary punishment. He described the bombing as an attempt to harm the strong relationship between Pakistan and China. Authorities in both countries are conducting separate investigations into the incident, with a focus on protecting Chinese nationals working on various projects in Pakistan, including the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.

The Chinese workers targeted in the attack were traveling under tight security to their project site, as other Chinese nationals working on similar projects in Pakistan have faced attacks in recent years. In a previous incident in July 2021, a suicide bomber targeted a bus carrying Chinese and Pakistani engineers and laborers, resulting in the deaths of 13 individuals, including nine Chinese nationals. The attack led to temporary suspensions of work by Chinese companies in the region. The ongoing threat to Chinese nationals working in Pakistan highlights the challenges faced in ensuring their safety and security in the region.

As investigations into the recent bombing continue, both Chinese and Pakistani authorities are working to strengthen security measures for Chinese nationals working on projects in Pakistan. The attack has drawn widespread condemnation and underscores the need for enhanced cooperation between the two countries to protect the lives of those involved in the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. The arrests of individuals linked to the attack signal progress in the investigation, but the threat of further attacks remains a concern for those working on infrastructure projects in the region. Efforts to prevent future incidents and safeguard the lives of workers are crucial in maintaining the strategic partnership between Pakistan and China.

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