The President of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page, presented an initiative in the regional state debate aiming to advance in fiscal harmonization and end unfair competition between regions. He criticized the unique financing agreement between PSC and ERC for Catalonia, stating that it breaks Spain’s unity. Page emphasized the importance of a calm debate on financing and called for an agreement involving everyone. He plans to propose measures to eliminate fiscal dumping between communities, particularly regarding ceded taxes like Inheritance and Donations, and Wealth, which certain regions have significantly reduced. Page also announced a record 8,300 job openings in the regional administration, with a focus on health care.

To make these initiatives possible, Page called on the opposition party, PP of Castilla-La Mancha, to support increasing public spending proposed by Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez. He highlighted the need to prioritize collective solutions over partisan interests to address the housing crisis. The President announced the construction of 1,500 affordable housing units for sale as part of the Plan 10,000, which aims to build homes through public and private investment. Page acknowledged that the target may be insufficient and described housing as a right in a market economy, urging against demagogic approaches and emphasizing the importance of providing housing to those in need.

Regarding the immigration issue, Page criticized the lack of communication from the Spanish government regarding a potential reception center for immigrants at Ciudad Real Airport, stressing that his administration was not informed. He expressed concerns about the suitability of using the airport as a temporary immigrant shelter and called for respect and proper communication between governments. The President of the PP in the region, Paco Núñez, demanded Page’s request for Prime Minister Sánchez’s resignation if the center is established. The Ministry of Migration confirmed the evaluation of using the airport for migrant reception but has not finalized a decision. Despite criticisms, the Ministry stated that it is conducting studies to determine the feasibility of the project.

In conclusion, Emiliano García-Page presented various measures in the regional state debate to address fiscal harmonization, job creation in the public sector, the housing crisis, and the immigration issue. He emphasized the importance of collaboration between different stakeholders to achieve positive outcomes, highlighting the need for inclusive agreements and collective solutions. Page called on the opposition party to support necessary public spending increases and criticized the lack of communication from the Spanish government regarding the potential immigrant shelter at Ciudad Real Airport. Despite challenges, Page remains committed to addressing key issues impacting the region, demonstrating leadership in advocating for the interests of Castilla-La Mancha.

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