Pablo Semán, a respected Argentine sociologist who has been studying on the ground in the neighborhoods since 2021, delves into the phenomenon of Javier Milei and the libertarian right in Argentina in his book “El ascenso de Milei.” He seeks to explain why a desperate society, plagued by crisis after crisis and lacking faith in the future, has supported a libertarian showman, detached from politics, with the belief that he will solve everything. Milei has become an international star and is now in Spain as the main speaker at a far-right European gathering organized by Santiago Abascal of Vox. Semán explains that the recession is taking a toll, and some of those who were initially hopeful about Milei are starting to despair, although he believes that the opposition’s rejection is so great that the president still has some credibility left for a while.

Semán explains that Argentina has experienced a series of economic frustrations, with the last three presidents doubling the inflation rate of their predecessors. Milei criticizes the failed economy, state, and politics, tapping into the frustrations of the population. Young people from middle and lower-class sectors are drawn to Milei because they are tired and fed up with the current situation. They see no future and embrace Milei’s message of freedom as a way out of their despair. Additionally, Argentine voters have been shifting towards the right since 2009, driving support for Milei.

Despite implementing policies that are eroding the purchasing power of the middle and working classes, Milei maintains support because the immediate impact affects individuals the most. However, as the recession deepens and unemployment reemerges, even Milei’s supporters are starting to feel disillusioned as hope begins to fade. On the other hand, the opposition fails to understand why Milei won and continues to repel a significant portion of the population with their actions.

There is concern that Milei’s leadership style may lead to an authoritarian turn akin to Fujimori in Peru. While some clamor for Milei to be tougher and more decisive, the overall mood in Argentina is turning depressive as the economic situation worsens. Semán highlights the tension and anxiety among the population, indicating a potential for social fragmentation and increased violence in the future.

The alliance between Milei and Vox in Madrid underscores Milei’s growing international stature within the global right-wing movement. By associating himself with European far-right groups, Milei solidifies his position as a successful international leader. However, there are concerns about the spread of hateful rhetoric and the rise of right-wing ideologies in Milei’s discourse, which may overshadow his original anti-political and economic message.

The COVID-19 pandemic has further fueled distrust in the state and a shift towards individualism in Argentina. The most exploited workers, who toil day and night, support Milei’s message of self-reliance and hard work as a means to escape their circumstances. The emphasis on individual effort has overshadowed notions of collectivism, as many young people dream of emulating billionaires like Elon Musk rather than engaging in collective action.

Semán predicts a future marked by social fragmentation and increased violence in Argentina, with high levels of unemployment reminiscent of the 1990s. The collective challenge of inflation is compounded by individual struggles with unemployment, leading to personal breakdowns. The question remains whether this will galvanize a capable opposition to Milei, given the deep-seated distrust and disapproval of traditional political leaders in the country.

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