A man in Bingöl boarded a private bus with an oxygen tank. As he took the tank between his legs, the bus started moving. Soon, the tank slid and opened, causing panic among the passengers.

The loud noise from the opening tank shocked the driver and other passengers, who panicked and threw themselves out of the bus after it was stopped.

The incident occurred in Bingöl, Turkey, when a man brought an oxygen tank onto a private bus. As the bus started moving, the tank slid and opened, causing panic among the passengers.

The driver and other passengers were taken off guard by the loud noise of the opening tank. After the bus was stopped, they panicked and hastily exited the bus.

No injuries were reported as a result of the incident, but the passengers were understandably shaken by the experience. The local authorities are investigating the incident to prevent a similar situation from happening in the future.

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