An emotional and distraught Tony Cavallaro mourns the loss of his 750-pound pet alligator, Albert, who was taken away by government agents due to permit violations. Cavallaro is heartbroken at the thought of Albert being hundreds of miles away in Texas and fears that his beloved alligator will be exploited for profit at Gator Country Adventure Park. Despite claims of poor living conditions in New York causing health issues for Albert, Cavallaro vehemently denies these allegations and believes he was unfairly targeted without a chance to defend himself.

The New York Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) defended the transfer of Albert to Texas, stating that the alligator had received necessary veterinary care and was now living in a suitable enclosure. While Cavallaro hopes to visit Albert, he knows that it will be emotionally challenging for both of them. He also expresses frustration about the lack of communication from the DEC regarding permit renewals and safety concerns, further fueling his determination to fight for Albert’s return.

Cavallaro has organized fundraisers to cover legal fees and is considering legal action for defamation and a potential lawsuit against the DEC. Despite the ongoing legal battle, Cavallaro feels a deep sense of loss and emptiness without Albert at home. He reflects on the decades-long bond he shared with his pet alligator and expresses regret about the current situation, longing for a resolution that would allow Albert to live out his remaining years in a sanctuary in Florida.

The emotional toll of losing Albert weighs heavily on Cavallaro, impacting his daily life and mental well-being. The uncertainty surrounding the legal proceedings and the fate of his beloved alligator exacerbate his distress. Cavallaro remains hopeful that he will be able to reunite with Albert and provide him with a peaceful and comfortable environment in Florida. Despite the challenges ahead, Cavallaro is determined to fight for justice and pursue every possible avenue to bring Albert back home.

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