Jason Foodman, a CEO and entrepreneur with global operating experience, is currently working as a Strategic Advisor for Oxzeon.com and Leaf.page. He believes that success in sales and business often comes from facing rejections and challenges head-on. Despite being told “no” or that something is not possible, he has found ways to break through these barriers and use them as fuel to propel himself forward.

One of Foodman’s experiences involved applying for a job for which he was uniquely qualified. The initial interview was with a contracted screener who had little understanding of the position or the company. After being rejected, Foodman did not accept the decision and sought out the actual hiring manager. This initiative led to a discussion that ultimately resulted in a job offer, highlighting the importance of not always accepting no for an answer and engaging directly with decision-makers.

In another example, Foodman was interested in a company that could complement his work at the time. When told there was no chance of meeting with the CEO, he took this as a challenge and managed to secure a video call with the CEO by going directly to the top. This experience taught him that sometimes, when working through the usual channels fails, it pays off to take the initiative and reach out to key stakeholders directly.

Sometimes overcoming a rejection requires disruptive action to get noticed. Early in his career, Foodman wanted to sell his company to a buyer he believed was a perfect fit. Despite initial disinterest from the CEO, he disrupted their routine by setting up a booth at a trade show directly across from theirs and hiring a famous comedian to attract attention. This unconventional approach led to a successful acquisition of his company, showing the importance of thinking creatively and taking bold actions when faced with rejection.

The moral of Foodman’s story is that in business and life, there will always be obstacles and naysayers. However, success often comes from pushing forward, thinking outside the box, and refusing to accept defeat. The ability to persevere in the face of adversity is a key trait of successful leaders, and Foodman’s experiences serve as a reminder that with determination and a strategic mindset, it is possible to turn rejections into opportunities for growth and achievement.

As a member of the Forbes Business Council, Foodman continues to share his insights and experiences with other business owners and leaders, emphasizing the importance of resilience and persistence in the face of challenges. By using rejection as a driving force for creativity and innovation, individuals can break through artificial barriers and achieve their goals in business and beyond.

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