More than 200 Republicans who have previously worked for former presidents and senators have endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris, citing concerns about the potential damage to democracy that another Trump administration could bring. They expressed their disagreements with Harris and Governor Walz but emphasized that the alternative of Trump’s leadership was unacceptable. They urged moderate Republicans and independents in battleground states to support President Biden once again, highlighting the need to stand up for democracy.

Former officials, including Stephanie Grisham and Olivia Troye, spoke out against Trump’s leadership style and character, calling attention to his lack of empathy, morals, and truthfulness. They criticized Trump for his divisive rhetoric and emphasized the importance of voting for democracy rather than party loyalty. Former Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger described Trump as a weak man who is only concerned with himself, contrasting his character with that of Harris, whom he praised for her commitment to the rule of law, the Constitution, and democracy.

The endorsement of Vice President Harris by these Republican officials follows speeches at the Democratic National Convention where several Republicans criticized Trump’s leadership and behavior. The group warned of the negative consequences that another term of Trump’s chaotic leadership could have on people and institutions. They stressed the need for voters to prioritize the defense of democracy over political differences, urging them to take a stand against Trump and support candidates who uphold fundamental principles and decency.

The endorsements and public statements from former Republican officials reflect a growing sentiment within the party to distance themselves from Trump and his brand of politics. By aligning themselves with Vice President Harris and denouncing Trump’s leadership, these Republicans are signaling a shift towards prioritizing values such as democracy, decency, and the rule of law. They are making a clear statement that their allegiance lies with principles that uphold the integrity of the nation rather than partisan loyalty.

The endorsements of Vice President Harris by former officials who have worked closely with Republican administrations signal a break from traditional party lines and a move towards a more moderate and bipartisan approach to politics. By publicly supporting a Democratic candidate and emphasizing the importance of defending democracy, these Republicans are sending a message to voters that the upcoming election is not just about party affiliation but about safeguarding the core values of the nation. They are calling on fellow Republicans to put country above party and to prioritize the preservation of democratic norms and institutions.

In conclusion, the endorsements of Vice President Harris by over 200 Republicans who have served in prominent roles under Republican administrations represent a significant turning point in the party’s approach to the upcoming election. By putting aside ideological differences and emphasizing the need to protect democracy, these officials are urging voters to prioritize fundamental principles over political considerations. The messages from these Republicans serve as a reminder of the importance of standing up for democracy and the rule of law, even in the face of partisan divisions.

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