The article discusses the upcoming legislative elections in France happening on June 30 and July 7. It emphasizes the importance of upholding fundamental values such as respect for individuals and institutions, the pursuit of truth, the defense of secularism, and the rejection of antisemitism and racism. The Rassemblement National (RN), rooted in dark areas of history, is singled out as a party that must be combatted, but at the same time, compromising on these values in order to block the extreme right is not an option. There is also criticism towards candidates from La France insoumise for betraying the historical ideals of the left.

The text calls for citizens to reject political polarization and resist being manipulated by cynical and cowardly actions. It urges voters to make informed choices and not be swayed by the extremes represented by the RN and La France insoumise. Instead, the focus is on supporting candidates who embody the values of the republican left. The signatories of the article, including figures such as former Prime Ministers Bernard Cazeneuve and Manuel Valls, are urging people to vote consciously and responsibly in order to align with these values.

In the face of what is seen as a threat to democratic principles, the authors stress the need to act in a way that upholds the core values of the French republic and rejects any form of extremism or intolerance. This includes refusing to support candidates from the RN or La France insoumise in order to preserve the integrity of the democratic process. The goal is to encourage citizens to engage with politics in a way that upholds the principles of equality, respect, and unity.

The text underscores the challenges posed by the rise of extremist and populist ideologies, which have the potential to erode the foundations of democracy. The authors are advocating for a more principled approach to political engagement, one that is based on a commitment to democratic values and social cohesion. By rejecting candidates who do not align with these values, voters can send a strong message about the kind of society they want to live in and the values they hold dear.

The article highlights the importance of the upcoming legislative elections as a critical moment in French democracy, where the very values that underpin the system are being tested. It emphasizes the need for citizens to take a stand against those who seek to undermine these values and the importance of making informed choices that reflect a commitment to democratic ideals. By casting their votes wisely, voters can help shape the future of their country and ensure that democratic principles are upheld.

In conclusion, the text stresses the need for a unified and principled approach to politics in the face of rising extremism and intolerance. It calls on citizens to reject candidates who do not uphold the values of democracy and to vote for those who embody the principles of equality, respect, and tolerance. By doing so, individuals can help safeguard the democratic process and ensure that the core values of the French republic are protected in the face of growing threats.

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