Rebecca Minkoff, a legendary fashion designer and a new cast member on the “Real Housewives of New York City,” took a group on a day-long journey during New York Fashion Week. Along with the help of Tri-State Cadillac and their LYRIQ electric vehicle, they experienced a day full of caffeine, fashion, and exclusive events.

The day started with a trip to Maman in Midtown for some caffeine and delicious scones. Rebecca shared that her brand is an official partner of the upcoming “Wicked” movie and is releasing two bags to go along with the film. The group got a sneak peek at what’s coming from her brand in the spring, with a focus on leather and black as essential elements of the collection.

After a visit to Rebecca Minkoff HQ to see the “Wicked”-inspired bags, the group stopped by Nordstrom Rack to view Rebecca’s bags on display. Despite misconceptions, being in Nordstrom Rack is considered a compliment in the fashion world. Rebecca even picked out a cute bag for a rival designer, turning a potential feud into a friendly gesture.

The group then dined at Scarpetta in NoMad, one of Rebecca’s favorite spots in NYC. Over a meal of pasta al pomodoro, Rebecca shared insights into her design career, including how the cast of “Laguna Beach” helped her brand in the past. She also discussed her experiences as a Bravo reality TV personality, including which “RHONY” co-stars she’d like to take out to lunch.

The day concluded with an exclusive NYFW party with Paris Hilton at Hall des Lumières. Rebecca secured VIP access for the group, allowing them to celebrate the release of Hilton’s “Infinite Icon” album. The venue was notable for being the same location where Erin and Abe Lichy hosted an anniversary party, which famously did not serve food.

Overall, the day provided a glimpse into the fast-paced world of New York Fashion Week, with Rebecca Minkoff guiding the group through a series of fashionable stops. The combination of fashion, food, and high-profile events made for an unforgettable experience, showcasing the glamour and excitement of the fashion industry. They were able to live life in the chic lane, thanks to Rebecca’s insights and the stylish transportation provided by Tri-State Cadillac’s LYRIQ electric vehicle.

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