Following a written statement from Manisa Celal Bayar University Hafsa Sultan Hospital, the family of a patient who was declared brain dead decided to donate their organs after a meeting with the hospital staff.

The heart, right and left kidneys, liver, and corneas of the deceased were removed by the team led by Organ and Tissue Transplant Coordinator Prof. Dr. Gönül Tezcan Keleş and sent to patients awaiting transplants in Istanbul and Izmir.

Hospital Chief Physician Prof. Dr. İsmet Topçu emphasized the importance of families being sensitive to organ donation, highlighting the critical role they play in saving lives through these donations.

The decision to donate organs can have a significant impact on the lives of those awaiting transplants, providing them with a chance at a healthier future and a second lease on life.

Organ donation serves as a powerful reminder of the generosity and compassion of individuals and their families, who choose to help others even in their darkest moments of loss and grief.

The successful completion of this donation process highlights the importance of raising awareness about organ donation and encouraging more families to consider the life-saving impact they can have through this selfless act.

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