Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya announced on social media that a total of 51 suspects, including leaders Ismail Azar and Hamza Mutlu, were captured in operations in Hatay, Ankara, Antalya, Mersin, Nevşehir, Sivas, and Şanlıurfa coordinated by the Hatay Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Gendarmerie General Command KOM Department. Yerlikaya stated that the suspects were involved in crimes such as qualified fraud, forgery of official documents, bribery, illegal use of personal data, abuse of office, and violation of tax laws. The organized crime group members were found to be obtaining unauthorized reports through medical companies using the identities of elderly or young citizens, having them sign blank papers, using these papers to issue fake prescriptions, forging signatures when the blank papers ran out, and using fraudulent invoices and power of attorneys to collect unjust gains from PTT branches.

As a result of the operations, Yerlikaya mentioned that unlicensed guns, numerous power of attorneys, prescriptions, receipts, and documents believed to have been used in the crime were seized. Through joint efforts with MASAK and the Adana SGK Health Inspection Team, it was determined that the organized crime group had used 6,532 unauthorized notarized power of attorney documents and caused approximately 1 billion lira in damage to the public. Yerlikaya reiterated the determination to dismantle organized crime groups regardless of their scale and bring them to justice, praising the Hatay Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office, the heroic gendarmerie forces carrying out the operations, and the support provided by the MASAK and SGK inspection team.

Yerlikaya used the following statement: “I would like our dear nation to know that those who flaunt their crimes, disturb the peace of our people, organized crime groups, and gangs will fall into the pits they dig. We will disrupt their games one by one. We are determined to dismantle and deliver organized crime groups to justice, no matter how big they are. I congratulate our Hatay Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office, our heroic gendarmerie forces carrying out the operations, and the MASAK and SGK inspection team that supported the operations. May God bless your efforts. The prayers of our nation are with you.”

The operations conducted by the Hatay Gendarmerie Command resulted in the capture of 51 suspects, including key figures Ismail Azar and Hamza Mutlu, involved in various crimes such as fraud, forgery, and bribery. The suspects were found to be part of an organized crime group that illegally obtained profits by engaging in fraudulent activities with medical companies, using the identities of vulnerable citizens to issue fake prescriptions and invoices. The successful operations were lauded by Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya, who emphasized the government’s commitment to dismantling organized crime groups and delivering justice, acknowledging the efforts of law enforcement and inspection teams involved.

The Interior Minister highlighted the significant damage caused by the organized crime group, with the unauthorized use of thousands of notarized power of attorney documents resulting in approximately 1 billion lira in losses to the public. The joint efforts of law enforcement agencies and inspection teams led to the identification of the group’s fraudulent activities, underscoring the importance of collaboration in combating organized crime. Yerlikaya’s statements reflected the government’s determination to disrupt criminal activities and uphold the rule of law, offering praise to the law enforcement agencies and teams involved in the successful operations. The capture of the suspects and the seizure of incriminating evidence marked a significant step in addressing organized crime in the region and holding perpetrators accountable for their actions.

The operations and subsequent arrests serve as a reminder of the government’s commitment to combating organized crime and protecting the rights and safety of citizens. The successful collaboration between law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, and inspection teams demonstrated the effectiveness of coordinated efforts in addressing criminal activities. Interior Minister Yerlikaya’s words underscored the resolve to dismantle criminal organizations and ensure that justice is served, acknowledging the dedication and bravery of the law enforcement officers involved in the operations. As the investigations continue and the suspects are brought to justice, the government remains steadfast in its efforts to uphold the rule of law and safeguard the interests of the public, sending a clear message to those engaged in criminal activities that they will be held accountable for their actions.

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