Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán gave a speech to his party, Fidesz, in which he criticized the European Union and called for a change in leadership. Orbán accused the EU of making its member countries active participants in the war in Ukraine, despite no EU country engaging in the conflict. He specifically targeted the leadership in Brussels, saying they do not deserve another chance and that there must be a change in the EU’s leadership. Orbán faces challenges at home and abroad, including the recent resignations of senior Hungarian officials and economic struggles due to EU withholding funds over rule-of-law and corruption concerns.

During the campaign event, Orbán emphasized his rejection of immigration, opposition to LGBTQ+ rights, and claims that the EU has been imposing its will on Hungary. He urged his supporters to push aside the Brussels bureaucrats and take matters into their own hands, receiving applause for his remarks. Orbán, a right-wing nationalist who has been in power for 14 years, has been critical of countries providing aid to Ukraine in its conflict with Russia, arguing against EU sanctions on Russia. He has portrayed his government as favoring peace, despite criticism for alleged Russian ties and hindering aid to Ukraine.

Orbán unveiled his party’s election manifesto, which envisions a resurgence of right-wing forces in the EU and warns of dire consequences if the current EU leadership remains in power. The manifesto claims that Europe will be plunged into war, migration waves will destroy European nations, and gender propaganda will undermine the future of children if the EU’s leadership is not changed. Orbán has been vocal about his anti-EU stance and his desire to see a shift towards more conservative ideologies within the EU. The upcoming EU elections on June 6-9 will be crucial for Orbán and his party as they seek to gain support for their vision of the future of Europe.

The Hungarian Prime Minister’s speech was met with criticism from some who accuse him of serving Russian interests and obstructing aid to Ukraine. Despite his claims of promoting peace, Orbán’s actions and rhetoric have raised concerns about his alignment with Russia and his disregard for the EU’s stance on the conflict in Ukraine. As Orbán continues to campaign for a change in EU leadership, his opponents within Hungary and across the EU are pushing back against his nationalist and conservative agenda. The outcomes of the upcoming EU elections will determine the direction in which Hungary and the broader EU will move in terms of leadership and policies.

Orbán’s campaign event was brief and closed to independent media, reflecting his tight control over information and messaging within Hungary. The exclusion of media from the event further highlights Orbán’s authoritarian tendencies and his efforts to manipulate public perception in his favor. As the election approaches, Orbán’s dominance within Hungary and his impact on the EU as a whole will be closely watched by those who support his nationalist agenda and those who oppose his divisive tactics. The future of Hungary and its role in the EU hinges on the results of the upcoming elections and the decisions made by Orbán and his supporters.

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