Following President Nicolas Maduro’s disputed election victory in Venezuela, the political opposition has called for mass demonstrations to protest the results. Opposition leader Maria Corina Machado urged Venezuelans to take to the streets in protest of Maduro’s re-election, which has sparked a political crisis and garnered international criticism. Despite the National Electoral Council declaring Maduro the winner with 51 percent of the vote, the opposition maintains that their tally shows challenger Edmundo Gonzalez received more support.

While the opposition has released detailed tallies on a public website, the government has not shared any information beyond national totals for each candidate. Maduro has been under pressure to provide a transparent accounting of the vote, with accusations from opponents that he is responsible for the unrest in the country. The United States has been accused of attempting a coup in Venezuela, adding to the political tension in the region. The opposition movement, Vente Venezuela, reported an attack on its headquarters by unidentified individuals who vandalized the premises.

Maduro’s election victory has led to widespread protests in Venezuela, with reports of 20 deaths in post-election demonstrations. More than 1,000 protesters have been arrested, raising concerns of a crackdown on dissent. Human Rights Watch has called for the Venezuelan authorities to respect the democratic process and guarantee rights to peaceful assembly and free expression. Regional leaders have urged electoral authorities to release detailed ballot box results and support dialogue efforts to benefit the Venezuelan people.

The Venezuelan Supreme Court has summoned all presidential candidates for a hearing following Maduro’s request for an investigation into the election results. In response to criticism, Venezuela has expelled diplomats from several countries and engaged in diplomatic conflicts with Peru and the United States. The US recognized Gonzalez as the winner of the election and called for a peaceful transition in accordance with Venezuelan electoral law and the will of the Venezuelan people. Gonzalez thanked the US for recognizing his electoral victory and supporting the restoration of democratic norms in Venezuela.

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