The Republican party in North Carolina, led by Chairman Michael Whatley, put a strong focus on building a turnout operation in the 2020 election. Whatley noted that their ground game was instrumental in securing victories in various races, with margins of 100,000 to 150,000 votes. While addressing fraud claims made by former President Trump, Whatley pointed to issues in other states but maintained that North Carolina’s election process was well-run. Despite calls for an audit of the state’s election results, Whatley resisted such efforts.

At the Conservative Political Action Conference in the following year, Whatley discussed the importance of having trained attorneys to ensure election integrity. He highlighted his goal of recruiting 500 attorneys shortly after taking office in 2019, emphasizing the need to be prepared legally. During a state convention in Greensboro, Whatley reiterated the importance of mobilizing voters and persuading undecided individuals, outlining his plan to deploy 100,000 volunteer poll watchers and attorneys.

Former President Trump’s daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, also emphasized the significance of early voting and grassroots efforts to increase turnout. She advocated for using legal means to match the Democratic party’s ballot collection efforts, suggesting a need to fight back against potential fraud by engaging Republican voters in the early voting process. Both Trump and Whatley appeared to be focused on traditional methods of winning elections, such as early voting and fundraising, in the context of the larger fight for election integrity.

The discussions by Whatley and Trump revolved around strategies to combat fraud allegations and promote voter confidence in the election process. They underscored the importance of getting Republican voters comfortable with early voting and engaging more people in the electoral process. Their efforts seemed to be aimed at returning to normalcy and reassuring voters that the election system was secure, amidst challenges posed by Mr. Trump’s refusal to accept his defeat. Despite these challenges, both leaders expressed a commitment to upholding election integrity and ensuring that the Republican party remained competitive in future elections.

While reflecting on their experiences in the 2020 election, Whatley and Trump highlighted the essential role played by ground game operations and legal preparedness in securing victories. They emphasized the need for grassroots mobilization, persuasion of undecided voters, and the deployment of trained volunteers to monitor polling stations. By focusing on these strategies, they sought to address concerns about fraud and promote turnout among Republican voters, ultimately aiming to maintain the party’s competitiveness in elections. Their discussions highlighted the ongoing efforts within the Republican party to adapt to changing circumstances and address challenges related to election integrity.

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