President Biden has been praised for his crisis management skills in preventing a wider war in the Middle East, particularly in managing the recent conflict between Israel and Iran. Despite his success in de-escalating tensions, the broader strategic failure of his policies in the region has been highlighted. While avoiding immediate disaster, Mr. Biden’s actions have set the Middle East on a dangerous trajectory, pushing it towards all-out war. By failing to leverage American influence to rein in Israel and address human rights violations, the president has prolonged conflicts and increased the risk of regional war.

One key area of concern is Mr. Biden’s continued support for Israel, even in the face of potential war crimes and escalating violence. The president has armed Israel without proper oversight, bypassing congressional review and oversight. His administration has also dismissed claims of war crimes in Gaza, undermining efforts to achieve a cease-fire. By vetoing U.N. Security Council resolutions and following Israel’s lead, Mr. Biden has contributed to the prolongation of conflicts in the region, leading to civilian casualties and increased tensions.

Despite his stated support for a two-state solution, Mr. Biden’s policies have largely ignored or impeded Palestinian rights to statehood. By focusing on economic integration and normalization agreements, such as the Abraham Accords, the president has perpetuated a formula that undermines Palestinian aspirations for nationhood. This approach, inherited from the Trump administration, offers little more than symbolic gestures towards statehood, leading to increased violence and unrest among Palestinians.

Mr. Biden’s pursuit of normalization agreements with Arab states, such as Saudi Arabia, further complicates the situation in the Middle East. By prioritizing alliances against Iran over inclusive security arrangements that involve all regional governments, the president risks further destabilizing the region. While Iran’s longstanding rivalry with Israel complicates efforts for peace, Tehran has indicated openness to a broader regional approach that could accommodate Israeli-Palestinian agreements within a larger security framework.

The president’s failure to address the root causes of conflict in the region, as well as his continued reliance on outdated strategies, has put the Middle East on the brink of war. While his tactical successes in crisis management are commendable, they cannot compensate for the broader failures of his administration’s policies. By prioritizing short-term gains over long-term stability, Mr. Biden risks exacerbating conflicts and jeopardizing American security interests in the Middle East. A reevaluation of current approaches and a shift towards inclusive diplomacy and conflict resolution are needed to secure lasting peace in the region.

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