Former President Trump recently spoke at the Libertarian Party National Convention, urging members to support him instead of casting a protest vote. However, he was met with boos from the audience. While some libertarians may see a second Trump presidency as the lesser of two evils, it is important to note that Trump does not align with libertarian values. For example, Trump’s proposal for a 10 percent flat tariff on all imported goods would effectively be a tax hike on American consumers. The Tax Foundation estimates that this tariff would cost $300 billion per year and destroy over 500,000 jobs.

In addition to his economic policies, Trump’s stance on civil liberties also diverges from traditional libertarian values. He supports policies like “stop and frisk” and strengthening qualified immunity for government officials, which are at odds with civil liberties and the Fourth Amendment. While Trump recently promised to commute the sentence of Ross Ulbright, a man involved in facilitating drug sales, he also supports giving drug dealers the death penalty, a stance that contradicts the libertarian belief in opposing the death penalty and advocating for drug legalization.

Furthermore, Trump’s immigration policies are a departure from libertarian principles. His plans to round up and deport over 11 million undocumented immigrants, as well as potentially setting up “migrant detention camps,” do not align with libertarian views on immigration and individual freedoms. Additionally, Trump’s foreign policy, despite his rhetoric about putting “America First,” has included support for militaristic actions abroad, such as providing weapons for Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen and continuing drone warfare globally.

Overall, Trump’s agenda does not align with core libertarian principles such as limited government, civil liberties, and anti-interventionism. While some libertarians may be swayed by certain promises or actions, it is important to consider the broader implications of supporting a candidate whose policies contradict fundamental libertarian beliefs. The Libertarian Party exists to elect candidates who uphold libertarian values, and supporting a candidate like Trump who goes against these values is not in line with the party’s mission. Ultimately, Libertarians should reject the idea of supporting Trump and instead advocate for candidates who truly embody libertarian principles.

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