The author begins by expressing disbelief in the existence of Satan, but is prompted to reassess this belief due to frequent issues with electronic devices. Despite attempts to troubleshoot and reason with his technology, the author feels as though his devices are working against him, leading to the consideration of a malevolent presence influencing their behavior. The author recounts a series of frustrating incidents involving his phone, earbuds, Bluetooth connection, and Wi-Fi, all of which pointed to a sense of artificial obstinacy.

Further exacerbating the author’s technological woes, he describes struggles with a malfunctioning printer that deemed all ink cartridges corrupt, leading to the purchase of a new printer with its own selective printing preferences akin to Bartleby the Scrivener. The author acknowledges his potential shortcomings in understanding and fixing technology issues, but emphasizes that the sudden cessation of functioning devices remains a central enigma. Despite attempts to work around these problems, the author’s computer frequently requires updates and security measures, introducing further complications with device interoperability and online security protocols.

Frustrations continue to mount as the author grapples with technology that seemingly acts in opposition to his desires, including devices failing to synchronize, recognize, or cooperate as expected. These issues extend beyond the author’s personal devices, encompassing broader systemic failures such as unreliable Wi-Fi services and disruptive software updates that disrupt work deadlines. The author’s humorous and self-deprecating tone underscores the persistent challenges faced when navigating the complexities of modern technology, emphasizing the need for a priest to perform a potential technological exorcism to rid his devices of their malevolent influences.

The author muses on the irony of contemporary conveniences such as smartphones and Wi-Fi networks proving to be sources of frustration and inconvenience. Despite attempts to rationalize and troubleshoot technological issues, the author finds himself contemplating supernatural interventions to address the persistent disruptions caused by his devices. Through humor and self-awareness, the author highlights the absurdity and unpredictability of technology’s interactions with human users, ultimately questioning the limits of control and agency in an increasingly interconnected and digitized world.

The narrative compels the reader to reconsider the relationship between humans and technology, exploring the ways in which devices can seemingly take on a life of their own, defying expectations and thwarting efforts to maintain functionality. By framing these recurring issues within the context of a potential demonic presence, the author humorously underscores the frustrations and challenges inherent in navigating modern technology. The author’s willingness to question his own assumptions and beliefs reflects a broader societal ambivalence towards the rapid pace of technological advancement and its impact on daily life, inviting readers to reflect on their own experiences with seemingly capricious devices and the potential for supernatural explanations in the face of unexplained malfunctions.

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