Several humanitarian aid organizations have suspended operations in Gaza following Israeli airstrikes that killed seven World Central Kitchen workers. The organizations are now reassessing the safety of their workers in the region, as more than 180 humanitarian aid workers have died since the war began in October. The tragic killing of the innocent humanitarians has sparked outrage and calls for accountability from international organizations.

The World Central Kitchen convoy, which was hit after loading up with food from a nearby warehouse, was clearly marked, and its movements were known to the Israeli military. This incident has increased apprehension among aid workers in the region, as they rely on specific safety protocols to ensure their protection. The government of Israel is being urged to give assurances that aid workers are considered legitimate actors in Gaza and that international law will be respected in order to continue life-saving work safely.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu acknowledged the unintended strike on innocent individuals and promised to investigate the incident to prevent similar occurrences in the future. The United States has also expressed concern over the chilling effect this incident may have on other groups carrying out aid operations in the territory. Anera, a partner organization of World Central Kitchen and Project HOPE, announced it would be pausing its humanitarian operations in Gaza due to safety concerns for its staff.

The International Medical Corps, which operates one of the largest field hospitals in Rafah with 140 beds, is reevaluating its processes and plans to set up another field hospital in Deir al-Balah. This tragic incident has had a devastating impact on morale and has put aid workers in an uncertain position in terms of security coordination with different actors in the region. The safety of humanitarian workers is crucial for the continuation of aid operations in Gaza.

This incident has shed light on the dangers faced by humanitarian workers in conflict zones and the need for increased protection and accountability for aid workers. The international community is calling for assurances from the Israeli government that aid workers will be respected as legitimate actors in Gaza and that international law will be upheld. The suspensions of operations by humanitarian organizations in Gaza highlight the vulnerability of aid workers in the region and the challenges they face in providing life-saving assistance to those in need. Swift action and support are needed to ensure the safety and security of humanitarian workers in conflict zones like Gaza.

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