Punks from the group “Aktion Sylt” are planning to return to Westerland on the North Frisian island of Sylt to set up a six-week protest camp. The authorities have stated that they will support participants in exercising their fundamental rights. Last year, with the 9-euro ticket, numerous punks from all over Germany traveled to Sylt and made headlines with their protest camp. This summer, they plan to set up their tents on Sylt for the third time. The protest camp is scheduled to take place from July 22 to September 1, 2024, and cooperation meetings are planned between the assembly authority, the organizers of the “Aktion Sylt” group, the municipality, and the police to finalize details such as location, area, and number of participants. The district expects the protest camp to proceed as there are no legal grounds to prohibit it, and it is the responsibility of the assembly authority to support the exercise of fundamental rights.

The Anarchist Pogo Party of Germany (APPD) has also announced a punk gathering on the island from July 24 to August 13, with activities such as storming the paid beach, pool parties, dismantling of art installations, and turning the Westerland town hall into the largest punk bar in the north. However, there has been no formal application for this event yet. It is unclear whether the Berlin branch of the APPD will join the already registered “Aktion Sylt” protest camp or submit their own application. The Sylt municipality remains relaxed about the prospect of a third punk summer on the island and expects the protest camp to proceed peacefully. They are working with the police to ensure that the camp adheres to regulations, and the municipality’s regulatory office will monitor compliance within the camp.

The police are also planning to monitor the registered assembly on the holiday island and consider the possibility that individuals may join the protest camp following the APPD Berlin’s call. Last year, a protest camp was permitted for about two months on a public field in Tinnum near the Sylt airport, with participants from the “Aktion Sylt” group and the APPD. In 2022, protesting punks camped for weeks in a central park in front of the Westerland town hall and St. Nicolai church to oppose the development of Sylt, causing noise, litter, and odors that led to complaints from locals and tourists. Eventually, the camp had to be cleared following a court decision.

Overall, both the “Aktion Sylt” group and the APPD are planning protest activities on Sylt this summer, with the support of the authorities and police to ensure a peaceful and compliant execution of the protest camps. The Sylt municipality remains calm and optimistic about the events, cooperating with law enforcement to maintain order. As discussions and planning progress, the focus is on facilitating the exercise of fundamental rights for the participants while also upholding public safety and community standards on the island. The upcoming summer on Sylt promises to be eventful as punks prepare to make their voices heard through peaceful protest and activism.

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