Jandarma teams in the Kürtün district conducted a control on the Kadırga Plateau where they suspected Z.D. and B.K. During the search, an unlicensed gun, 1 magazine, and 7 gun bullets were found on Z.D., while an unlicensed gun, 1 magazine, and 7 gun bullets were found on B.K.

In Şiran district, during road checks, the teams suspected M.K. A search of the suspect and his vehicle revealed 1 unlicensed 6.35 millimeter gun, 1 magazine, and 6 bullets.

As a result of intelligence work carried out by the Provincial Gendarmerie Command Intelligence Branch Directorate, information was received that I.A. would be carrying an unlicensed weapon to Giresun. The vehicle of I.A. was stopped during road checks, and with the participation of the bomb search dog “Maske,” a search was conducted. An unlicensed gun, 1 magazine, and 5 bullets were found during the search.

Suspects Z.D, B.K, M.K, and I.A were arrested.

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