Dear Minister,

First of all, I would like to congratulate you on the compilation of insults that have been directed at you in the journalistic columns published in X. The fact that your team dedicated themselves to this, as you mentioned in the interview with Carlos Alsina, was already an exercise in transparency. However, the collection and publication of criticisms is even better: as it has been stated, it is data journalism. The enumeration includes unpleasant but discreet words (aggressive, coarse), helpful clarifications (such as when the friendly advisor explains that a urinal is a urinal), and some clear insults, with varying levels of creativity, taste, and wit.

In this valuable compilation, I see worrying gaps. There are few Catalan newspapers included and none from Malaga. This newspaper does not appear, and there are no media outlets from the Basque Country or Aragon. This last point has specifically disappointed me. Has no one criticized a “vulgar style” in Heraldo de Aragón, El Periódico de Aragón, Diario del Alto Aragón, or Diario de Teruel? Has no one published a sad “sectarian” or “irascible” comment? Has the land of Marcial, Buñuel, Sender, María Moliner, and Federico Jiménez Losantos not been able to generate a single sad epithet? If this absence is due to oversight by the Ministry, I believe your advisors should address it: we all value Spanish diversity and subscriptions are not that expensive, especially considering the significant income from income tax this year. If the absence is due to inhibition or dullness among my compatriots, I would like to remind them of the words of the master Braulio Foz, who in 1844 put together a list directed at a poorly dressed lady, which I transcribe here asking for forgiveness in advance from my female readers.

Overall, I believe there are some important points raised in your compilation that deserve attention. The diversity of opinions and expressions within Spain should be reflected in this collection of insults, and gaps in representation from certain regions should be addressed. Additionally, the historical context provided by the master Braulio Foz serves as a reminder of the long tradition of creative insults in Spanish culture. It is important to recognize the value of such compilations, not only for their entertainment value but also for the insight they provide into the ways in which individuals express their opinions and critiques.

In conclusion, I would like to commend you on your efforts to compile and publish this collection of insults directed at you. The transparency and data-driven approach you have taken are commendable, and it is important to recognize the value of such compilations in shedding light on the diversity of opinions and expressions within Spanish society. I hope that the gaps in representation from certain regions will be addressed, and that this compilation will serve as a reminder of the rich tradition of creative insults in Spanish culture. Thank you for your attention to this matter and congratulations once again on this valuable contribution to journalism.

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