The text discusses the current political situation in France, comparing President Emmanuel Macron to the Roman Emperor Nero, who allegedly watched Rome burn while reciting poetry and playing the lyre. The author questions whether Macron is similarly pleased to watch the country descend into crisis, particularly after dissolving the National Assembly. The focus is on preventing the extreme right from gaining power in the upcoming elections, highlighting the potential consequences of such an outcome.

The author criticizes Macron for his actions and suggests that the main priority now is to prevent the extreme right from taking control of the government. They paint a grim picture of what a government led by the far-right party, the Rassemblement National, would look like, emphasizing the potential threats to democracy, the European project, and the rule of law. The author stresses the importance of recognizing the gravity of the situation and acting responsibly rather than celebrating what they see as a dangerous shift in power.

The text highlights the need for politicians to be truthful and address the looming threat posed by the extreme right in the upcoming elections. The author acknowledges the concerns of voters who may have supported a different political agenda but stresses the importance of prioritizing the fight against the far-right threat. They argue that in a critical moment like this, unity and a clear assessment of the dangers facing the country are essential to prevent a potential takeover by the extreme right.

The author appeals to the readers to understand the urgency of the situation and the need to prioritize preventing the extreme right from gaining power. They criticize any attempts to downplay the risks or suggest that other political forces pose a greater threat to democracy than the far-right party. The focus is on the necessity of recognizing the dangers posed by the extreme right and taking action to prevent their rise to power in the upcoming elections.

In conclusion, the text emphasizes the importance of facing the truth about the current political situation in France and the need to act responsibly to prevent the extreme right from gaining power. The author calls for unity and a clear understanding of the risks posed by the far-right party, urging readers to prioritize the fight against extremism and to protect the values of democracy and the rule of law. The text serves as a warning of the potential consequences of allowing the extreme right to take control of the government and highlights the importance of taking action to prevent such a scenario.

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