The government of New Caledonia has called for an end to the violence following the death of a motorcyclist in Nouméa. The incident occurred in the Vallée-du-Tir neighborhood, where rioters are numerous and well-organized. The government has urged for an end to road blockades and barricades, stating that the violence is leading to unnecessary deaths due to lack of access to medical care and food. The government official Vaimu’a Muliava highlighted that people in need of medical treatment, such as dialysis, have been unable to receive care due to the unrest.

Despite the destruction of stores and road blockades, the government reassured that there is no shortage of essential goods in New Caledonia at the moment. However, if the destructive behavior continues, the situation could worsen. Muliava emphasized the need for people to free up the roads to allow medical professionals to reach those in need of assistance. The government called for an end to the violence and destruction, warning that the consequences are self-punishment for the community.

The government’s message to the youth involved in the unrest was to act with reason and not engage in destructive behavior that ultimately harms themselves. While acknowledging the social issues that may be driving the violence, the government stressed the importance of finding peaceful and constructive ways to address these concerns. Muliava highlighted that the destruction of businesses and infrastructure only serves to further harm the community and hinder progress. The government urged for a return to calm and order in order to prevent further unnecessary suffering.

In response to the crisis, the government of New Caledonia has emphasized the need for immediate action to prevent further loss of life and ensure access to essential services for all residents. The call to end the violence and allow for the free movement of medical professionals was a plea to prioritize the well-being of the community over individual grievances. The government assured that there is no shortage of supplies currently, but warned that continued violence could lead to scarcity in the future. It called on all parties involved to act responsibly and work towards a peaceful resolution of the situation.

The six-day crisis in Nouméa has escalated with incidents of violence and looting, prompting the government to intervene and appeal for calm. The death of the motorcyclist was a tragic reminder of the consequences of the ongoing unrest, with individuals losing their lives due to lack of access to basic necessities. The government’s message was clear: the violence and destruction must stop to prevent further harm to the community. Leaders urged for a return to dialogue and cooperation in order to address the underlying issues and work towards a more sustainable and peaceful future for New Caledonia.

In conclusion, the government’s response to the recent events in New Caledonia highlights the urgency of the situation and the need for immediate action to prevent further harm. The call for an end to violence and destruction was a plea for the community to come together and prioritize the well-being of all residents. By addressing the root causes of the unrest and working towards peaceful solutions, New Caledonia can rebuild and move forward towards a more stable and prosperous future. It is hoped that through cooperation and dialogue, the community can overcome the current challenges and build a better tomorrow for all.

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