Apple has shifted its focus from the Mac platform to its tablet range with the launch of the new iPad Pro. The device boasts an expansive screen, thin construction, and portable keyboards, leading to the tantalizing marketing promise that “your next computer is not a computer.” However, some believe that Apple’s rigid approach to the iPad may hold back the tablet platform compared to the more flexible third-party applications available on the Mac platform.

Despite packing the iPad Pro with the new desktop-class M4 chipset ahead of its expected ship date in Mac hardware, unlocking the potential of this chipset presents a significant challenge. Reviews of the latest iPad Pro highlight that while powerful, the device feels held back by the iPadOS software. Critics note that while iPadOS has made significant changes, it still does not compare to macOS in terms of usability. Additionally, the closed nature of iPadOS, which requires Apple’s approval for all apps and distribution through the App Store, poses limitations for users and developers.

One key advantage that the Mac platform has over the iPad is its open nature. While the Mac platform does have an App Store, it is not the exclusive route to the platform. Developers are not forced to use Apple’s payment system, and there are no limitations on what can be coded and distributed to the Mac platform. In contrast, iPadOS’s closed system requires everything to be approved by Apple, limiting the freedom for users and developers to fully utilize the platform’s potential.

In Europe, iPadOS is classified as a “gatekeeper” service, and steps must be taken to comply with the Digital Markets Act to open up the platform. However, the process for individual developers to do so is lengthy and complex, further highlighting the limitations of the iPad platform compared to macOS. The Mac platform allows for a wider range of applications and greater flexibility in terms of usage, making it a more attractive option for those seeking more versatility in their computing experience.

While debates continue over elements such as the interface, touchscreens, trackpads, on-screen keyboards, and connectivity options on both iPad and Mac devices, the key advantage the Mac platform holds over the iPad is its open nature. With the ability to fully utilize the power of the chipset without restrictions, the Mac platform offers a more flexible and user-friendly experience compared to the iPad. Apple’s closed approach to the iPad may hinder its potential for growth and innovation compared to the more open and adaptable Mac platform.

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