Oklahoma State School Superintendent Ryan Walters made an appearance on Fox & Friends Weekend to discuss new policies allowing students to display the American flag and show their patriotism without fear of punishment. This decision came after an Oklahoma high school student was forced to remove an American flag from his truck by school staff. The new guidelines aim to encourage students to love their country and better understand its founding, rather than suppress their expressions of patriotism.

Edmond North High School senior Caleb Horst was instructed by school officials to remove the American flag from his truck, citing school protocol to keep flags off campus. However, the school district denied that this policy was rooted in anti-American sentiment, rather explaining it as a safety measure to prevent distractions and maintain a safe environment. They emphasized their commitment to displaying the American flag prominently in classrooms and reciting the Pledge of Allegiance daily as well as presenting the colors and playing the national anthem at athletic events.

Walters criticized the decision to force the student to remove the American flag and announced that the state school rules would be changing to address such incidents. He emphasized that no school in Oklahoma should prevent students from displaying the American flag, stating that Americans have died for the flag and the right to express patriotism. His department is working on guidelines that will ensure no student is targeted for having an American flag and that schools in Oklahoma will promote patriotism.

As part of these new guidelines, schools will be required to develop clear policies allowing flags to be flown and displayed, students will need to recite the Pledge of Allegiance at least once a week, and schools will need to report their compliance with these guidelines. Walters expressed his desire to combat anti-Americanism promoted by various groups, stating that schools in Oklahoma will protect students’ rights to fly the flag and promote patriotism. He also mentioned efforts to redesign social studies standards to better understand the American founding.

In addition to the changes regarding the American flag and patriotism, Walters issued a memo in June directing state schools to incorporate the Bible and Ten Commandments into their curricula for grades 5-10. This directive was aimed at providing historical context and aligning with educational standards approved in 2019. Walters stressed the importance of promoting patriotism and preventing schools from becoming leftist indoctrination mills that push hatred for the country. The state’s schools are working to cultivate a better understanding of the American founding and encourage more patriotism among students.

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