The May long weekend in the Okanagan marks the unofficial start of summer, with hotels filling up and tourist attractions opening for the season. Diana Stirling, who owns and operates several tourist attractions in Penticton, including LocoLanding Adventure Park, Cherry on Top Shake Shop, and Lickity Splitz, has seen a record-breaking start to the tourist season. The hot weather has brought in higher than usual numbers of visitors, and Stirling is cautiously optimistic that this trend will continue throughout the summer. However, the South Okanagan tourism sector was hit hard last year by a temporary travel ban in response to a wildfire, resulting in a loss of almost a quarter of the season.

The travel ban, which was put into place on Aug. 19 last year but lifted shortly after, had a significant impact on the local tourism industry. Hotel operators are still dealing with the fallout from the ban and an increase in wildfire activity, as visitors are hesitant to make travel plans due to the perceived risk of wildfires in the region. Following the travel ban, tourism leaders have called on the provincial government for better communication when making decisions that affect the tourism sector. Despite this hesitancy, Penticton Lakeside Resort is anticipating a strong start to the season, as this time of year is crucial for the tourism sector to generate revenue and employ staff.

Stirling emphasizes the importance of the short window of opportunity for tourism operators to make their business successful and employ their staff. With 140 teenagers employed at her attractions, she is focused on keeping them employed throughout the year. There is a sense of optimism among tourism operators as they prepare to welcome visitors to the Okanagan during peak season. They are grateful for the tourists who choose Penticton and the surrounding area as their destination, and are working hard to provide a great experience for visitors. The industry is gearing up for the season, with new amenities and activities available for guests to enjoy.

Penticton Lakeside Resort’s General Manager, Brannigan Mosses, highlights the challenges faced by the accommodation sector due to the travel ban and wildfire activity. There is a shorter booking window than usual, as visitors are unsure about the safety of the region. Despite this, Mosses is hopeful for a successful season and emphasizes the importance of the tourism industry to the province. Both Mosses and Stirling are looking forward to welcoming guests to the region and providing them with a memorable experience. They are focused on ensuring that their businesses thrive and that their staff are well employed throughout the season.

Overall, the tourism industry in the Okanagan is cautiously optimistic about the upcoming season, following a challenging year due to the temporary travel ban and increased wildfire activity. Operators are working hard to provide a great experience for visitors and are hopeful for a successful season ahead. Despite the challenges faced, there is a sense of resilience and determination among tourism operators in the region. They are looking forward to welcoming guests and making the most of the short window of opportunity to generate revenue and employ staff. The beauty of the Okanagan as a destination, along with the dedication of tourism operators, is expected to make for a successful summer season in the region.

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