A fire at Sen. Bernie Sanders’ Vermont office was determined to be intentionally set by local fire officials. The Burlington fire marshal’s office stated that the fire was incendiary in nature and the investigation is now being handled by the Vermont State Police and Burlington Police Department. Firefighters responded to the scene and found a fire in the vestibule between the elevator and entrance door of Sanders’ third-floor office. The fire was extinguished with no injuries reported, but there was some moderate fire and water damage, leading to the evacuation of the office and surrounding areas. Sanders’ Vermont state director, Kathryn Van Haste, expressed relief that no staff members or individuals in the building were harmed and thanked officials for their coordinated response.

The intentional nature of the fire raises concerns about potential motives behind targeting Sanders’ office. It is unclear at this time who may have been responsible for setting the fire and what their intentions may have been. The involvement of the Vermont State Police and Burlington Police Department in the investigation indicates a serious effort to determine the cause of the fire and hold those responsible accountable. The incident underscores the importance of ensuring the safety of public officials and their staff, as well as the need for vigilance in protecting against potential threats to their offices and facilities.

The response to the fire at Sanders’ office involved multiple agencies and officials working together to address the situation and ensure the safety of all individuals involved. The coordination between the US Capitol Police, Senate Sergeant at Arms, and local first responders was crucial in responding to the incident and preventing any injuries. The swift action taken by these officials highlights the importance of emergency preparedness and response protocols in dealing with unexpected incidents such as fires. The successful extinguishing of the fire and evacuation of the office minimizes the impact of the incident on Sanders’ staff and others in the building.

Sanders’ Vermont state director expressed gratitude for the efforts of officials in responding to the fire and ensuring the safety of those involved. The relief that no injuries were reported and no harm came to staff members or individuals in the building underscores the importance of prioritizing safety and security in the face of potential threats. The statement also emphasizes the need for continued cooperation and communication between local, state, and federal agencies to address incidents like this and prevent future occurrences. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of maintaining a safe and secure environment for public officials to carry out their duties and serve their constituents.

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